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小学四年级英语教案:Unit 1 Our School

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小学四年级英语教案:Unit 1 Our School

  作为一位兢兢业业的人民教师,常常要写一份优秀的教案,编写教案有利于我们准确把握教材的重点与难点,进而选择恰当的教学方法。教案应该怎么写才好呢?以下是小编整理的小学四年级英语教案:Unit 1 Our School,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。

小学四年级英语教案:Unit 1 Our School


  1.能够简单介绍学校校舍的分布情况,如:This is the teacher’s office. That’s my classroom.

  2.能简单说出每个课室的不同功能,如:Go to the library. Read a story-book.

  3.能听懂一些问题并回答,如:Is this the library? Is that the TV room?


  1.掌握A,B部分read and write的单词和句子并达到听,说,读,写。

  2.认读A,B部分let’s learn, let’s talk中的单词和句子。

  3.了解let’s do, let’s chant, story time, good to know部分的内容





  2.句型:This is the teacher’s office.

  That is my classroom.

  Is this the library ? Yes, it is.

  Is that the TV room? No, it’s not.



  一、Language function:

  1). Understand the new words: teacher’s office, canteen, garden, playground, library.

  2). Can understand the orders and do the action.

  Go to the garden. Water the flower…..

  3). Sing the song “our classroom”.


  1). The important point are the new words of school and their infaction..

  2). The difficult point : the orders and do the actions.

  二、teaching aids.

  1).Prepare the hanging chart of our school and the word cards.

  2). Tape and VCD, a pen and a piece of paper..

  三、Teaching steps.

  1、Warm up /Revision.

  (1). Sing the chant “work and play”

  (2). Dairy talk:

  What’s in the classroom?

  A board, a teacher’s desk, six lights, many desks and chairs.



  (1). Point to the classroom and present the words.

  This is our new classroom. Do you like our new classroom?

  Yes, we like it very much.

  What’s in our classroom?

  A board, many desks and chairs.

  How many classrooms are there in our school? Do you like our school? What else can you see in our school? Look! This is a map of our school.

  ( show the word cards to learn : garden, playground, teacher’s office, library, canteen)

  2). Read the words.

  Garden—go to the garden.

  Library—go to the library.


  3). Point to the canteen and make a dialogue

  Where is the canteen?

  It’s on the first floor.

  Where is the canteen?


  4). Listen to the tape and follow to read.


  1).have a match to read the new words in groups.

  2). Game(teacher show a word card ,eg: garden, the Ss say “flowers, red, color, trees..”

  3). Game ( T—S)

  say the orders and do the actions.

  Go to the canteen. Eat some noodles.

  Go to the teacher’s office. Hand in the homework.


  4).listen and follow to read and do.

  5). Play the tape to sing the song “our school”

  4. Homework

  1). Do the activity book

  2). Listen to the tape.

  3). Copy the new words.


  Unit one Our School

  Playground teacher’s office library

  Garden canteen


  一、Language functions.

  1)Can understand and say the sentences: This is the teacher’s office. That’s my classroom.

  2).Sing the song “our school”

  3).good to know some expression about the different floor.

  二. 重难点.

  1).key point: Sentences: This is…/ that is…”

  2). Difficult point: this and that 发音以及在楼层的表达中序数词first ,second

  二、Teaching aids

  1). Mask of Chenjie.

  2). hanging chart.

  3). Tape and VCD.

  三、Teaching steps.

  1.Warm up/Revision.

  1).sing the song “our school”

  2) play the tape and let’s do.

  3). Daily talk.

  Where is the canteen?

  It’s on the first floor.

  2. Presentation.

  1).free talk

  why do you like our school?

  Because it’s nice…

  Yes. Our school is very nice. today some friends from America are coming to see our school. Chenjie is showing them around our school. Let’s watch.

  2).Watch VCD and ask some questions

  how many American friends are there?

  What do you do in the playground?.

  3). Pay attention on the pronunciation of “this/that”

  4). Practice the first /second.

  What’s in the first/second picture?

  It’s a library/a teacher’s office.

  5). Listen to the tape again.

  3. Practice:

  1). Grope-work.

  To read the text after listen to the tape.

  2). The whole class read it.

  3). Recite the text.


  4. Homework

  1). Do the activity book

  2). Listen to the tape and read.

  3). Recite the text and copy the text.

  4). Sing the song.


  Unit 1

  This is the teacher’s office.

  That is my classroom.


  一、Language function.

  1.Read and write

  1).Master the words “board, light, fan, computer”

  2).write them in right way.

  二. 重难点.

  1). The key point :the four words and sentences.

  This is my computer.

  That is your computer.

  2). The difficult point :the writing of the sentences.

  三.Teaching adis

  1) the hanging chart

  2).tape and the word cards.


  1).daily talk.

  What’s in your classroom?

  A board, …

  2) Role—play of let’s talk.


  (1). Play the chant and read “library, art room, canteen, gym, read, draw, eat, play”

  2). T-S

  where do you read?

  Where do you draw?

  Where do you play computer?

  In the computer room.

  ( show the card )

  This is a computer room.

  3).learn the other words in this way.

  3).listen to the tape and read.

  4. Practice.

  (1).Game—say words

  teacher decide a word and the other Ss continue .

  2). Write the sentences on the Bb.




  3). Listen to the tape again.

  4). Role-play to remember the sentences.

  3. Homework.

  1). Do the activity book.

  2). Listen to the tape .

  3).copy the sentences.


  Unit 1

  Board light fan computer


  一、Language functions.

  1.let’s learn

  1).The new words

  .gym, TV room, art room, computer room washroom, music room

  2).Can finish the game and Let’s find out.

  3).Can understand the story.


  1). The new words:. gym, TV room, art room, computer room washroom, music room

  2). The difficult point: know the story time.

  三.Teaching aids:

  1). The word cards and the hanging chart.

  2) a picture of a tall building

  3). Tape.

  四.Teaching steps

  1.Warm-up / Revision.

  1).have a dictation

  2).Daily talk.

  I can see many flowers in it. Where is it?

  It’s on…

  3). Let’s do.

  2. Presentation.

  (1). After do the action ,ask and answer

  Where do you water the flowers?

  In the garden.

  Where do we read the story-book?

  In the library.

  Where do we have computer class?

  In the computer room

  2). Show the word cards and learn the new words.

  3).read and write

  4). Listen to the tape..

  3. Practice.

  (1). Game—touch the words.

  Teacher say a word and the players touch the words, who

  Touch the words first can win the game.

  2). Let’s play

  paste a tall building on the Bb, two students stand frond of the Bb. When T say “washroom”, they must choose the word card and put it in the right place. The pupil who is quicker is the winner.

  3). Story time

  watch tVCD and understand the story.

  Is this….?

  Is that…?


  1). Do the activity book.

  2). Listen to the tape .

  3). Copy the new words.


  . Unit 1 My School

  gym TV room art room

  computer washroom music room


  一、Language functions.

  1. Let’s talk..

  1).Can understand “Is this the library? Is that the TV room?”

  2).the difference usage of “ Is this the…/Is that the…?

  3). Draw a picture and introduce in English .

  二. 重难点.

  1). Key point and difficult point:

  . Is this the…?

  Is that the…?

  三. Teaching amds

  1).handing chart of this lessen

  2). Tape and VCD

  3).some word cards and croyons.

  三、Teaching steps

  1. Warm up / Revision.

  1). Sing the chant

  2). .Daily talk.

  What’s in our school?


  3. Presentation.

  1). Show picture of principal and ask

  Who is she? Yes , she is our headmaster.

  Do you want to be a headmaster? He has a new school. Do you want to have a look?

  2). Watch the VCD and know the sentences

  Is this the…?

  Is that the…?

  3) Listen to the tape and to read.

  4). Read the text in groups

  3. Practice.

  1). Game—guessing.

  Six word cards paste on the Bb and T ask ,Ss guess.

  Is this..?

  Is that…?

  2).read the text and have a match between boys and girl

  3).Role-play to act the text.


  1). Do the activity book.

  2). Listen to the tape and recite the text.

  3). Copy the text.

  4). Design a school by yourself.


  Unit 1 My School

  Is this the library?

  Is that the TV room?


  一、Language functions..

  1).Can understand the dialogue “ read and write”

  2).use the sentences in the read situation.

  3).do the let’s check

  二. 重难点.

  1). Key point:

  . Is this a teacher’s desk?

  Yes, it is.

  2) difficult point:

  the spelling of “picture” and the sentence writing

  三. Teaching amds

  1).handing chart of this lessen

  2). Tape and VCD

  3).some word cards..

  Teaching steps


  1). Sing a song and sing the chant

  2) act the story time

  3). Guess a riddle

  Jack is in a room. There are many books in it. He can see many students. They are reading books. They are quiet. Where is Jack?


  1). Show the hanging chart and talk about it.

  What can you see in the picture?

  Is this ….

  2). Fill in the .missing words

  3).check the answer.

  4). Listen to the tape

  5). Read in groups.

  3. Practice

  1). Write the sentences in the right way

  2). Do some writing practices

  3). Task time

  take out a piece of paper and design your school and then talk about in class

  4. Homework.

  1) listen to the tape and follow.

  2) copy the sentences


  本单元主要是学习介绍我们的学校。学生对名词的复数不太了解。要求学生对一般疑问句Is this a …? Is that a …? 的问答要掌握。学生在回答时很容易写成了Yes, is it.这样的错误回答。还要让学生引起注意的是you , your的用法和写法。

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