

时间:2024-06-09 15:56:22 演讲稿 我要投稿





  Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen!

  I’m very honored to stand here and give you a short speech! To begin with ,I want to ask a question .Does everybody dream a good dream last night? Actually ,today I want to talk about dream with you. Of course, What I want to talk is not a dream you have last night,but a dream—— about life. Everyone has dreams about life, different dreams at different life stage,and we need dreams to support us. Dreams are like the stars we never reach in the sky,but like most mariners(水手),we can chart our course by them. With the dream,we have a direction,with a direction, we were no longer confused.With the dream, there is hope,With hope, we have the strength to fight.

  But I know,life is tough,and there are always ups and downs, maybe we fail in the way to our aims,and we may feel depressed ,whenever at this time, the dream in our heart can always fort us, encourage us ,and support us to move ahead .

  Young!Fortunately, I am young now. Just due to it, I know that nothing is impossible.I firmly believe that nothing can stand in my way. If

  Ican't realize my dream,it result from that I haven't work harder enough and I won't find other excuses. If no people believe you, you can make it to prove that you are right. If you think the god haven't blessed you and there is no truth here, you can bee the god and create the truth.

  "My breath swallows the sky and make the yellow river overflow, my sword is famous in Kyushu and it can collapse the five sacred mountains." At some time in the past I also had am bitious words and I had some achievements. Each achievement results from my hard work. I always believe that "If you want to have more achievements than others, you must work harder." In some extent, the dream is the hope. If you can insist on doing something, the victory will e.

  Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field frozen with snow. So my dear friends, think of your old and maybe dead dreams. Whatever it is, pick it up and make it alive from today. Let's--- move ----out! Thank you for your listening!


  The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog. A man's dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health and in sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground, where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only he may be near his master's side. He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer.

  He will lick the wounds and sores that come in encounters with the roughness of the world. He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince. When all other friends desert, he remains. When riches take wings, and reputation falls to pieces, he is as constant in his love as the sun in its journey through the heavens.

  If fortune drives the master forth, an outcast in the world, friendless and homeless, the faithful dog asks no higher privilege than that of accompanying him, to guard him against danger, to fight against his enemies. And when the last scene of all comes, and death takes his master in its embrace and his body is laid away in the cold ground, no matter if all other friends pursue their way, there by the graveside will the noble dog be found, his head between his paws, his eyes sad, but open in alert watchfulness, faithful and true even in death.2

  Tribute to the dog

  Gentlemen of the Jury:

  The best friend a man has in the world may turn against him and become his enemy. His son or daughter that he has reared with loving care may prove ungrateful. Those who are nearest and dearest to us, those whom we trust with our happiness and our good name may become traitors to their faith.

  The money that a man has, he may lose. It flies away from him, perhaps when he needs it most. A man's reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered action. The people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us, may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads.3

  For most of the developing countries, it is a good idea to control the population growth. For example, China has carried out birth control for years. And this plan has a great effect on the world population.

  If the population continues to increase, if the air and water continue to be polluted, if we don't do something to protect wild-plant and wildlife species will be declining. Species and biological communities have difficulty adapting to change. Economic opportunities and the quality of life of future generations are also put at risk. By protecting nature, we protect ourselves.

  Let's unite together, hand in hand we stand all across the land.

  We can make this world in which to live. Hand in hand. Control the population growth. Take good care of our nature.


  There are so many things I wish I had known while growing up. No one ever tells you the hard truths of life. Maybe it’s because they can’t stomach it, or maybe it’s because they think it’s just something you have to experience firsthand to understand. Here are twenty things nobody told you while growing up that would’ve been nice to know beforehand:


  1. You’re Going to Spend A Lot of Time Figuring Stuff Out


  Unless you’re one of the lucky few who already knows what their passion is and what you really enjoy, you will be spending a lot of time trying new things and figuring out what you’re good at and what you like. Don’t be afraid to try new things and fail at them; failing builds character. You have a lot of growing up to do in your 20s, a lot of self-examination and exploration. Use this time wisely to get to know yourself as best as you can–not that you won’t change as you continue to get older, but it’s definitely a time of discovery, getting to know oneself and what you want in this world and what you have to contribute to the world.


  2. Don’t Expect Smooth Seas


  There will be many challenges, obstacles and curve balls swung your way. Just try to take life as it comes. Don’t fight against the current because you’ll just wear yourself out. If there’s a door that is standing wide open for you and another that you’re trying to get through by knocking it down, sometimes it’s best to take the door that’s already open for you. In other words don’t try to be someone/something you’re not.


  3. Learn About Personal Finance Now


  Learn how to budget and manage your money, how to open a checking/savings account, and how to use credit wisely and live within your means. Your future self will thank you for it. Buy quality items you can keep around for a long time to come, not cheap crap that breaks that you’ll have to buy again in a year. Invest in yourself, your education, your personal improvement, your health and your relationships to others.


  4. Assume Change Will Come


  Life is about change; don’t fight it and just go with it. Learn from your mistakes and grow. Let go of things you can’t change. Sometimes change will be so painful you will want to rip your heart out, but you’ll be okay if you just hang on and know that no matter what happens, you will be alright. Win, lose or draw, life will go on and you’ll get another chance to start your life over if things haven’t gone according to plan.


  5. Keep Your Plans Loose


  Speaking of plans, keep them loose and flexible. It’s good to have an idea of things you want to accomplish and where you want to be a couple years down the road, but honestly no one knows what’s going to happen tomorrow, let alone 5 years from now. It’s fine to make some plans but be flexible and willing to change them. Remember that people change and things happen that will push you in one direction or another. Don’t waste time beating yourself up because your plans didn’t go the way you wanted. Don’t worry about things you can’t change; focus on making new plans/goals and where you will go from here.


  6. Time Is a Limited Resource


  Nothing lasts forever. Enjoy every moment that you have. Enjoy life and practice being present in the moment because it goes by extremely fast. There will be both good and bad times. The bad thing about up is there’s always a down. It’s important to really enjoy and savor the good moments in life because you’ll need those memories to reflect back on when the bad times come. The first 10 years after high school go by at a breakneck speed and before you know it you’re 28 and wondering how the time has escaped you.


  That's all,thank you!


  every teacher in this school can give a course as they like. there is no tedious rating, no scraps of quantitative management and no rigid standard. teachers can fully display their personality in class, and they feel very happy and content to teach. every morning, on thoughts of giving lessons, they are excited. after class, they are delighted , with smiles on their faces. some experts, scholars and masters are also visiting teachers in this school.yang zhenning can give physics classes for a day. yi zhongtian opens lectures on chinese culture for a week. speaking of music, we can ask wang lihong to give music lectures, just as he did in oxford university. if necessary, we can also invite david beckham to speak something about the world cup … the principal of the school focuses on education rather than waste time in endless meetings and social activities. teachers’ wages are not high but enough to live comfortably. there are no other things to do except to teach. there are no paper requirements, no titles and no ranks because they don’t need to be judged by those things. almost every teacher is a well-known scholar and master in a particular field. a language teacher may be a writer at the same time. a math teacher may try to overcome a world-class guess. a physics teacher can win invention awards and a music teacher may return from an international music competition again. in short, in this school, the principal is satisfied, the teachers are happy and the students are joyful. that’s my dream.




  最常用的是 Ladies and gentlemen,也可视不同情况选用 Fellow students, Distinguished guests, Mr Chairman, Honorable Judges(评委)等等。








  结尾要简洁,不要拉拉扯扯,说个没完。特别是不要受汉语影响,说些类似“准备不足,请谅解”,“请批评指正”这样的废话。最普通的结尾就是:Thank you very much for your attention。







  我们还想让灾难笼罩我们吗? 我们还想让敌人的刺刀刺到我们身上吗?不!绝不!我们不能让祖国受到欺负,让我们从现在起好好学习,好好工作,为祖国做贡献,让中国被世人所瞩目,把中国这个响亮的名字永远留在我们心中。



  there is a poem written by langston hughes hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die,life is a broken-winged bird. that can never fly.hold fast to dreams, for if dreams go, life is a barren field,frozen with snow. how beautiful it is. yes, we shouldn’t give up our dreams.we shouldn’t give in to the large pressure on the way to realize our dreams.how shall we dorobert h. goddard gave us the answer, “it is difficult to say which is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and reality oftomorrow” youth is not a time of life,it is a state of mind; it is not a matter ofrosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the will, aquality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions.it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.youth means a tempera-mental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. nobody grows old merely by a number of years. we grow old by deserting our ideals. years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. worry,fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spring back to dust. whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being’s heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living. in the center of your heart and my heart there is a wirelessstation: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, you and i will remain young. when the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are upto catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may have young heart at 80.

  青春不是生命的一瞬,它是一种自然的心境;青春不是如花的脸庞、鲜红的嘴唇和健康柔润 的双腿,它是一种意志、想象、精力,更是生命中那生机勃勃的.春天。 青春是冲动的勇敢而不是懦弱,青春是挑战的欲望而不是安逸的生活。即使年过花甲,壮心不已.没有人痴长百岁,而伴随着的是我们抛却幻想,锤炼生活的经历。岁月让我们的皮肤起了皱纹,但缺乏激情会让我们的灵魂萎缩。焦虑、恐惧、缺乏自信让心稽首,更让心灵的青春尘封。无论60岁还是16岁,我们每个人都有着天生的好奇心、孩子般刨根追底不厌其烦的渴求欲望、幻想游戏人生的生活方式。在你我心中有着心灵的默契:只要我们的心还能从人们的身上和大自然的怀抱中感受到美丽、希望、快乐、勇气和力量,那么我们依旧年轻无限。当幻想破灭,而你愤世嫉俗,对生活充满悲观情绪,那么你已经老了。即使在20岁的时候,只要你积极乐观的追求你心中的幻想,一直到永远,那么你在80岁的时候仍有一颗永保青春的心。


  Ten years ago few people had mobile phones.But now mobile phones have become rather common , even high school students may have one . But is that a good thing ? We wondered . It gose without saying that mobile phones bring us much benefits , such as chating wherever we`re , getting and sending emails , taking photos , playing games and so on . And if we come across emergencies , it will turns out to be very helpful . In other hand , it`s a big attraction to we high school students . It may have bad influence on us .After all , mobile phones have changed our life , and still will too. We must use mobile phones reasonably , and it`s the most importent and necessary.


  Nowadays, more and more people realize it`s necessary and important toprotect the environment. Also,there are some people who don`t pay attention tohygiene and they can`t stop littering the rubbish casually or spittingeverywhere all the in addition, there are a few factories often cuttingdown the trees, discharging chemicals and dirty water and so it causesmany problems like the Greenhouse they do these day by day and ourlife will be harder and harder,so we have to stop them. To stop them we can putup commonweal advertisements and tell them the detriment of destroying we can start from now to make a beautiful life.


  As we all know, books are the ladder of human progress. Books play an extremely important role in our life. It is important because it exists all the time around us, around us, and everyone is learning and using knowledge.

  Some people, however, do not know what reading is for. I think one of the benefits of reading is adjusting your mindset. Regardless of the great joys and sorrows we encounter in life, we can keep a calm and calm mind, and be prepared to face it. When you are happy, don't get carried away. When frustrated, don't be too sad. If you can't avoid heartbreak, try to unclog yourself.

  Books make me a happy man, gorky says. We might as well read the books in our leisure time. Through reading books, we learn from books and love and feel the truth. We recognize the change of history, the change of society. We learn to think, to ask valuable questions, to learn to grow.

  The old man said: read well, read well, read good books. This is a wise quote. Reading a good book is to talk to a wise man, to enrich the mind and to distinguish right from wrong.

  Bi shu min also said, the book is not rouge, but will make the human face permanent. Books are not sticks, but they are powerful. Books are not feathers, but they fly. Books are not everything, but they can make people change.

  Books are our most loyal companions. Time goes by, and reading increases our knowledge. Don't you want to increase your knowledge? If you like, please pick up the book of our life is meaningful, into the book world, swim in the sea of knowledge, it will make you full of ideas, full of wisdom, and, in turn, change your fate, change your life, can let us find the real belong to our more self-confidence!


  Through the ages, the earth mother milk with sweet nurtured a countless generations. The original she was the XiaoBei decorated lovely. But, now human to its own interests, tortured her eyes out. There is only one earth; And the earth is facing serious environmental crisis. "Saving the earth" has become the world's strongest voice.

  The deterioration of the environment around, I feel heartache, I think: as the future successors of teenagers, if don't understand the gravity of the environmental problems, ignoring the laws and regulations concerning environmental protection, not to strengthen environmental protection consciousness, our lives will be destroyed in his hands, and god will make serious punishment for us. Therefore I determined to start from me good care environment, protect our homes, the survival of a environmental protection guard.

  In just the past year, I actively participate in school activities for planting trees, leading us six (2) squadron of the class cadre created the "green angel" plant green armor, encourage players green groups on campus adoption a young trees, use after school time for it to dress for its towering trees, grow and lay the foundation. In the school organization "let the earth vibrant" signature activity, I solemnly in signing their names above, and wrote his determination and expectations for environmental protection, the vision of the future. I actively participate in school in the world environment day, serious prize held consulting, collect got all kinds of material, to make social investigation, writing about environmental management idea articles, I often go to school organization environmental lecture, watch the footage of environmental protection, actively contributing to environmental protection knowledge interlocution survey, fill in every item questions. I participated in the "red scarf plant green protect green team" website construction, in the above picture released a lot of environmental protection and environmental protection knowledge, as well as about environmental protection all aspects of legal knowledge in environmental protection in China, developing tendency, the situation of environmental protection in countries around the world; Every month I have used the Internet, newspapers, find some latest different projects and plate "environmental information" to tell everybody; Also making some XuanChuanBan regularly to promote environmental protection knowledge and life in environmental sense. Improve everyone's environmental protection consciousness; Calls for students from different aspects to love his home, start from around things, and for the environment around dedicated an own strength! I actively mobilize people around him come according to law, protect and construction human common is also the only home, in order to promote the sustainable development of economy and society for human civilization to make the contribution. I also jointly sponsored students and "raise a potted flower, adopted a tree, sparing the every piece of green space, let us surrounded by green" and "with a small plastic bags don't use foam lunch box and disposable chopsticks, let us from white pollution" initiative. Let us down convenience bag, took food basket, let us common to a wonderful green tomorrow, to glory, the bright future!

  According to my collection of a report said: "environmental problem is due to human unreasonably development and utilization of natural source. Shocking caused environmental problems of atmospheric pollution, water are mainly pollution, noise pollution, food contamination, not suitable development and utilization of natural resources it five categories." The fact that one like iron, they are like demon tell us a relentlessly swallowed with human life. It threatens the ecological balance, harming human health, and restricts the sustainable development of economy and society, it lets human was in trouble. Therefore I make proclaims: "as long as we don't forget a moment -- human consciousness, there is of the environmental protection consciousness of rule by law environment, global village will become beautiful paradise". The future of dark blue sky must be, water is clear, earth, human green flowers which we can enjoy the nature of happiness.

  "The true test of our environment, but action not words contribution." Although I do is just some small things, but I firmly believe that if we all have responsibility, environmental protection from yourself, starts from the minor matter, starts to protect our homes, nature will give human repayment. In warm cradle - grassland rests; In kind smile - growing up in the source of love - rivers to bathe.


Hi everybody.

  In may, there is always a kind of feelings, always have a firm belief in rising. 16 candles lit up the youth milestone in the life journey, we met in the starting line of youth, for it made a regretless promise Duan Shaohua years, ready to go.

  Youth is like a eagle flying high, tirelessly, towards the sea of clouds on each level advance, regardless of the ups and downs, and how much heart, how big is the heaven and earth. We in the wide world singing the music of youth, flying dreams of youth. We use of unremitting efforts, the endless pursuit, showing the power of youth.

  Life gives us a huge and unlimited noble gift, this is youth: full of power, full of expectation, ambition for knowledge and struggle, full of hope and confidence of youth!

  Finally, I want to use liang qichao's words to end today's speech: "young wisdom is the wisdom, is the young rich national wealth, young strong a country is strong, young is the progressive, young males in the earth, the male in the earth." Let's spread the sweat, drink pick-up, chew one with difficulty,Let youth burning under the red flag. Wish every young man holding his own dream, to shoulder their responsibilities, constantly have ridden on the voyage of life, forge ahead!


  First of all, let's think about it, when we reached the intersection, if notice is for safety traffic lights on guard? When we take the train, automobile, ever heard "for your safety, please do not stick out your hands and head out of the window" cordial attention? Remember, when I was a child, since I just remember, is well-meaning parents taught me "both do something, be sure to pay attention to safety". Remember, when we walked into the campus, the teacher taught us the first thing is to pay attention to safety; Remember, since I read on the road, department stores, often can see in front of the building "please pay attention to safety", "safety first", "safe production" brand. Security is really important? Yes!

  Safe in my heart, this is a word that everyone should know, if you don't speak security in mind, the more dangerous it is very close to us. Remember once, after school, I was just heading home, after a corner, suddenly, a bike knocked down by a car on the side of the road. Things have in the past for a long time, but until today, I still forget the painful appearance, I more is to be safe in my heart.

  As a primary school student, I often heard my mother tell me about all kinds of stories, is one of the stories about pupils safe. A pupil called huanhuan, she looks very lovely, is the apple of her parents' eye. One day, she was home from school, near the walking home, suddenly see mother's shadow across the road, she was very happy and shouted, "mother, mother" and like a cute little butterflies fly to mom. She was completely didn't pay attention to safety, however, also didn't notice that is driving a car, only heard a loud scream, the little huanhuan was hit by a speeding car. At that time, the red once her sun that white skirt, red face suddenly pale, good scary...

  Students, after listening to these two stories, whether do you also recognize the importance of safe in my heart? In fact, is not only the traffic safety, there are still many places need to pay attention to safety, just as my mother said, everything should pay attention to safety. After class, for example, when we are down the stairs, for example, a break when we play together. Security is everywhere, all the things, as long as someone's behavior, will keep in mind that safe in my heart.

  Dear classmates, the world is colorful, life is good, let's wish, wish our each teacher each student get to school every day in peace, happy to go home, wish our campus to be safe, healthy and infinite vitality of harmonious campus.








Thank you very much.

  On behalf of the great Empire State and the whole family of New York, let me thank you for the great privilege of being able to address this convention. Please allow me to skip the stories and the poetry and the temptation to deal in nice but vague rhetoric. Let me instead use this valuable opportunity to deal immediately with the questions that should determine this election and that we all know are vital to the American people.

  Ten days ago, President Reagan admitted that although some people in this country seemed to be doing well nowadays, others were unhappy, even worried, about themselves, their families, and their futures. The President said that he didn't understand that fear. He said, "Why, this country is a shining city on a hill." And the President is right. In many ways we are a shining city on a hill.

  But the hard truth is that not everyone is sharing in this city's splendor and glory. A shining city is perhaps all the President sees from the portico of the White House and the veranda of his ranch, where everyone seems to be doing well. But there's another city; there's another part to the shining the city; the part where some people can't pay their mortgages, and most young people can't afford one; where students can't afford the education they need, and middle-class parents watch the dreams they hold for their children evaporate.

  In this part of the city there are more poor than ever, more families in trouble, more and more people who need help but can't find it. Even worse: There are elderly people who tremble in the basements of the houses there. And there are people who sleep in the city streets, in the gutter, where the glitter doesn't show. There are ghettos where thousands of young people, without a job or an education, give their lives away to drug dealers every day. There is despair, Mr. President, in the faces that you don't see, in the places that you don't visit in your shining city.

  In fact, Mr. President, this is a nation -- Mr. President you ought to know that this nation is more a "Tale of Two Cities" than it is just a "Shining City on a Hill."

  Maybe, maybe, Mr. President, if you visited some more places; maybe if you went to Appalachia where some people still live in sheds; maybe if you went to Lackawanna where thousands of unemployed steel workers wonder why we subsidized foreign steel. Maybe -- Maybe, Mr. President, if you stopped in at a shelter in Chicago and spoke to the homeless there; maybe, Mr. President, if you asked a woman who had been denied the help she needed to feed her children because you said you needed the money for a tax break for a millionaire or for a missile we couldn't afford to use.

  Maybe -- Maybe, Mr. President. But I'm afraid not. Because the truth is, ladies and gentlemen, that this is how we were warned it would be. President Reagan told us from the very beginning that he believed in a kind of social Darwinism. Survival of the fittest. "Government can't do everything," we were told, so it should settle for taking care of the strong and hope that economic ambition and charity will do the rest. Make the rich richer, and what falls from the table will be enough for the middle class and those who are trying desperately to work their way into the middle class.

  You know, the Republicans called it "trickle-down" when Hoover tried it. Now they call it "supply side." But it's the same shining city for those relative few who are lucky enough to live in its good neighborhoods. But for the people who are excluded, for the people who are locked out, all they can do is stare from a distance at that city's glimmering towers.

  It's an old story. It's as old as our history. The difference between Democrats and Republicans has always been measured in courage and confidence. The Republicans -- The Republicans believe that the wagon train will not make it to the frontier unless some of the old, some of the young, some of the weak are left behind by the side of the trail. "The strong" -- "The strong," they tell us, "will inherit the land."

  We Democrats believe in something else. We democrats believe that we can make it all the way with the whole family intact, and we have more than once. Ever since Franklin Roosevelt lifted himself from his wheelchair to lift this nation from its knees -- wagon train after wagon train -- to new frontiers of education, housing, peace; the whole family aboard, constantly reaching out to extend and enlarge that family; lifting them up into the wagon on the way; blacks and Hispanics, and people of every ethnic group, and native Americans -- all those struggling to build their families and claim some small share of America. For nearly 50 years we carried them all to new levels of comfort, and security, and dignity, even affluence. And remember this, some of us in this room today are here only because this nation had that kind of confidence. And it would be wrong to forget that.


  you all are leaving your alma mater now. i have no gift to present you all except a piece of advice.

  what i would like to advise is that "don’t give up your study." most of the courses you have taken are partly for your certificate. you had no choice but to take them. from now on, you may study on your own. i would advise you to work hard at some special field when you are still young and vigorous. your youth will be gone that will never come back to you again. when you are old, and when your energy are getting poorer, you will not be able to as you wish to. even though you have to study in order to make a living, studies will never live up to you. making a living without studying, you will be shifted out in three or five years. at this time when you hope to make it up, you will say it is too late. perhaps you will say, "after graduation and going into the society, we will meet with an urgent problem, that is, to make a living. for this we have no time to study. even though we hope to study, we have no library nor labs, how can we study further?"毕业典礼英文演讲稿

  i would like to say that all those who wait to have a library will not study further even though they have one and all these who wait to have a lab will not do experiments even though they have one. when you have a firm resolution and determination to solve a problem, you will naturally economize on food and clothing.

  as for time, i should say it’s not a problem. you may know that every day he could do only an hour work, not much more than that because darwin was ill for all his life. you must have read his achievements. every day you spend an hour in reading 10 useful pages, then you will read more than 3650 pages every year. in 30 years you will have read 110,000 pages.

  my fellow students, reading 110,000 pages will make you a scholar. but it will take you an hour to read three kinds of small-sized newspapers and it will take you an hour and a half to play four rounds of mahjian pieces. reading small-sized newspapers or playing mahjian pieces, or working hard to be a scholar? it’s up to you all.

  henrik ibsen said, "it is your greatest duty to make yourself out."

  studying is then as tool as casting. giving up studying will destroy yourself.

  i have to say goodbye to you all. your alma mater will open her eyes to see what you will be in 10 years. goodbye!


  Movie Review of The Truman show was really a very good movie, we can learn some truths from it, the lively perform and the touching story let us moving, I feel very happy about at last Truman run out the ‘truth’ world by other make, in spite of other attitude and choose his life.Born as a TV star, Truman is imprisoned in a small island called Seahaven for the first half of his life.Of course Truman don’t know he is a star, at first we all think Truman was a man, ordinary, like the life around us, he has many desires and very easy to meet, he has work、wife、parents、friend and so on, live a normal life, everything look normal, but with the develop of the plot, we know everything is arranged, his work、wife、parents and everybody around him are all actor, when we know it , all the audiences care about him ,Truman start to find his friends, his wife and everybody, everything are focus on him, And at last, he finally realized that there was something wrong with the world he lived in.Leading by his dream, he managed to get out, leaving the world that was created for him and went to that unknown outside, dark and dangerous.

  Audience see the Truman’s ‘truth’ live, the director aim to attract the audience’s eye, when Truman happy he would give him time to create some trouble, when in its depressed, then size the opportunity to open it alive.The most moving is the end of the movie, Truman is awake, and he told the camera, really the ‘God’ strike played out.Panic talented director, he will lose the audience, he strove to retain Truman, the director told him to leave the control of the world is very dangerous, but Truman was out of the door, walks over to the dark unknown world, he said that the world waiting for him no matter what, he did not care, Buddhism, the ‘epiphany’ one said, and that a complete self-sufficiency of human nature is dead in the dust covering it, it lost, Truman is the insight it seems, he should get back the lost self, the self-contained complete and carefree nature.

  The audiences are cry, they feel very happy just because Truman , He get truth life with his struggle, no matter how the world was, the importance is that he choose his life , he decide his friends、wife and so on about himself, no one can make Truman’s life.Not only the story was very good, but also the dialogue was worth to remember, such as first, Good morning, and in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night! Second, I have given Truman the chance to lead a normal life.The world, the place you live in, is the sick place.Third, I have given Truman the chance to lead a normal life.The world, the place you live in, is the sick place, of course these only part of the wonderful dialogue, but I very like these dialogue.We can learn some thing from the movie, actually life is like a show, no matter in virtual world or fact life , we all play role in different part, we all should bravery in the fact of new life, new challenge, we should let us life become funny and live a meaning life.Weather we may give up something or not, I think life should make by you, no one can do it except you, I hope everybody can do it.










