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六年级英语下Unit 2 Turn left at the corner

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六年级英语下Unit 2 Turn left at the corner教学设计

  作为一名专为他人授业解惑的人民教师,常常需要准备教学设计,教学设计是一个系统化规划教学系统的过程。那么你有了解过教学设计吗?下面是小编为大家收集的六年级英语下Unit 2 Turn left at the corner教学设计,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。

六年级英语下Unit 2 Turn left at the corner教学设计


  Unit 2 Turn left at the corner.








  广东人民出版社《开心学英语》“FRIENDS WITH ENGLISH”


  Review → Homework checking→ Presentation → Chant → Words extention → Story listening→ Games→ Writing



  本课的教学对象为六年级学生,年龄大约12岁。对英语特别感兴趣,喜欢玩游戏 ,好表演,能够以小组的形式完成一些预习和知识点的拓展任务。



  本课是《开心学英语》Book 8 unit 2的第3课时。 主要内容为是清浊辅音群[kr]及[gr]的音标及其相关单词的语音教学。在教学内容的处理上,既让学生能够明白6个单词的语音、语义、规则等,又能够在篇章的阅读中学习感知语音。课前的学习内容对本节的内容有一种抛砖引玉的作用,在前两个课时中间出现了学生必须掌握的新单词或短语: across from , crosswalk, cross 等都含有[kr]的发音,这就为本课时做好了铺垫。当引入本课时教学就不会让学生觉得唐突,而是顺理成章。本课时的教学内容是 Sounds and words、Sounds and words 以国际音标为参考,从三年级开始便在每一单元中安排一个音标的教学内容。而这节课时,已经学到了辅音,音标教学基本结束。所以本节音标教学的内容基本和学生的水平保持一致。对于此教材这样的安排,我有些处理意见:(1)音标教学从四年级到六年级都有一种感觉,有点散,每个单元都有,但是却没有总结,没有归纳。让学生感觉不到他们到底学了多少个音标,在学生的头脑中不能形成系统性。故我建议在每本教材中应该有一定的总结。(2)Sounds and words 给学生自己发散的空间不够宽,如[kr]及[gr]这两个音的教学,可以设定一个练习让学生说出更多他们已经学过发这两个音的单词。至于本节的教学内容设计,我从单词到句子在到篇,从易到难。然后在纵向的贯穿听,说,读,写来提高学生语言技能,并最后融入德育目标。学生通过这节课的学习,已经初步形成听词能拼,看词能读的这种意识。对今后的自主英语学习起到了推动作用。



  (1)学生掌握辅音 /kr/ 和/gr/ 的发音 和在单词中的拼读。

  (2)了解更多有/kr/ 和/gr/ 的发音的单词。

  (3)从听,说,读,写四个方面来巩固/kr/ 和/gr/ 的发音。










  (2) 在加强学习方法指导的同时,培养学生自主学习的能力和合作探究的精神,如小组合作看音标自学单词发音与意义。

  (3) 充分发挥评价的作用,通过多元化的评价,如“帮助装饰理想房子”的课堂竞争机制,实现“以评促学”。

  (5) 学习新知识时重视联系生活实际,如何在自然情景下习得语言,如“螃蟹是怎样走路的”、“用自己的语言描述单词”等,做到“在学中用,在用中学”,提高学生的语言综合运用能力。



  1、Pair work小组合作,根据音标拼出六个单词。

  2、小组合作找出更多发/kr/ /gr/ 的单词。





  Step 1 : Warming up (1’)

  1.Free talk.

  T: what is the weather like today? (…) Did you go to the supermarket last Sunday? (…)Are you happy ?(…) why, because your English teacher is very handsome.

  2、Classroom organization

  T: Do you think the house is beautiful、Ugly right? Now I want to tell you birds stand for the group one, so group one are birds, group two are trees and group three are flowers, when you get here, you can put a bird or a tree or a flower around the house to make the house beautiful.

  设计意图: 刚上课,学生还没有完全进入状态,通过个别交流的方式及自嘲的方式让学生放松,消除紧张感,营造一种轻松、和谐的英语学习氛围。

  Step 2 : Check the homework (2’)

  Ask one group to act out the dialogue they made.

  T: boys and girls, before we begin our class、I want to know you are good students or not、So I will check your homework、“ do you finish your homework? If you finish, hands up? Perfect、But who wants to come to the blackboard”.


  Step 3 Presentation (19’)

  1、Write “across” on the blackboard and tell the students the sound of /kr/, and show the sound of /gr/, then drill it one by one.

  T: Do you think they are good? now I have a question, according to their action, where is the shopping mall、Yes, it is across from the Super Candy

  T:Now watch TV please, across from, c says what ? yes /k/ , r says what , yes /r/ if I put /k/ and /r/ together, how to speak: good /kr/ now read after me.

  ( Put the /kr/ on the blackboard)

  2、Tell the difference between the sound /kr/ and /gr/ by the listening practice

  T: Now /kr/ is no.1 /gr/ is no.2、I read them ,you tell me the number, /kr/ 1、/gr/ 2 now 、/kr/ /gr/

  T: I tell you the number, you tell me /kr / or /gr/、1,2,2 , 112.

  3、Review the sounds of the vowels, and enable the students try to read the vowels with the target sounds /kr/ and /gr/.

  T:Now , look at the word, across, (ask a student) o says what?

  ( take the vowel of the o and then one card by another to review some vowels and then put them with /kr/ /gr/ together to practice.)

  4、Show the phonetic sounds of six words and enable the students to try to read by themselves.

  T: Very good、You can spell it by yourselves、You can read it according to the sounds、Now I have six words、Can you read it according to the sounds?

  5、Enable the students to try to spell the words and learn the meaning of six words together

  ①Talk about the picture of “cream”, listen and repeat after the audio

  T: who can read it? Two students read it, and then

  T: let us check it.

  (Play the sound、Then students read after TV for three times , and then ask the students to spell them according to the sound)

  T: Who can spell it? cr says /kr/…

  T: What is your favorite food in summer? And then fill in the blank and then show the picture of cream.

  ②Talk about the picture of “crab”, listen and repeat after the audio.

  T: Who can read this word? Let us check it .

  (Play the sound、Then students read after TV for three times and then ask the students to spell them according to the sound)

  T: How many legs does a crab have? Show the picture,then ask how the crab walks ,T: the teacher asks “does the crab walk like this?”

  (The teacher walks like a model、And then ask one student to show how the crab walks.)

  ③Talk about the picture of “crocodile”, listen and repeat after the audio.

  T: the crab is big or small, ok small , let us learn something big/bigger、who can read it ? two students read it ,T: let us check it.

  (Play the sound、Then students read after TV for three times nd then ask the students to spell them according to the sound)

  T: Who can spell it? cr says /kr/

  T: Can you say something about crocodile (show the picture)

  T: Who can act the crocodile? (Students act)

  ④Talk about the picture of “grass”, listen and repeat after the audio.

  T: what does the crocodile eat? Does the crocodile eat this one? Yes, let us check it out

  T: Who can read this? Two students read it,T: let us check it.

  (Play the sound、Then students read after TV for three times nd then ask the students to spell them according to the sound)

  T: who can spell it? gr says /gr/

  T: What color is the grass?

  ⑤Talk about the picture of “grapes”, listen and repeat after the audio.

  T: Do you like eating grass? Do you like eating this? hehe ok, Who can read it who can read it ?

  T: Who can spell it?

  (Play the sound、Then students read after TV for three times nd then ask the students to spell them according to the sound)

  T: Is the grape spicy? How does the grapes taste?

  ⑥Talk about the picture of “grocery store”, listen and repeat after the audio.

  T: I know you want to eat grapes? But where can you buy the grapes?

  T: How do you spell “grocery store”?


  Listen to the audio and repeat;

  Flash cards of the words: Can you read them faster?

  T: you read them very well, can you read them very fast, let us check.

  When I say ready go, you have to begin to read、But words will go up and disappear at last、So you should finish reading them before they disappear、We try first.

  设计意图:新授单词的过程自然、流畅。先从听力辨音游戏让学生分清 /kr/ 和 /gr/ 的清浊发音,再从由辅音群与不同元音的组合训练学生的语音意识,为后面学生看音标自学单词的发音做好了充分的铺垫;接着看音标拼写单词,提高了他们的“见词能读、听词能拼”的语音能力;最后再联系生活实际学习单词的意义,如学生说到“The crab has 8 legs.” “The crocodile is terrible、It has a big mouth.”。最后在总结语音规则及单词发音时,我采用听录音跟读及谁读的更快的游戏,加快他们读的速度,激发兴趣,实现了”开心学英语”的目的。

  Step 4: Chant activity (6’)

  1、Listen to the chant and fill in the blanks.

  Which is faster, the crab or the snake?

  Which tastes _________, the cream or the cake?

  Which is ______, the grapes or the grass?

  Which is _______, the crown or the glass?

  2、Check the answers, talk about the pictures and learn the chant sentence by sentence.

  T: which is faster, the crab or the snake? (…)

  T: Which tastes nicer, the cream or the cake?

  T: Which is greener, the grapes or the grass?

  T: Which is older, the crown or the glass?

  3.Listen and chant together.

  4、Enable the students to open the books and circle out the /kr/ and /gr/ words in the chant, then check.

  Step 5 Discuss and write down more words which have the sounds of /gr/ and / kr/ in groups、(4’)

  T: Try to write down more words with the sounds /gr/ and /kr/ in groups.

  T: Who wants to tell us more words? One by one.

  设计意图:让学生通过讨论掌握和了解更多的发 /kr/ 和/ gr / 的单词,发散学生的思维,从语音入手复习旧知,又从单词中训练语音意识。

  Step 6 Listening Activities (3’)

  1.Listen to the audio of a passage and answer the question

  T: Now you will listen to a story and answer my question、Who has a crocodile as a pet?

  2.Listen to the passage again and shout out the /kr/ and /gr/ words.

  (Play a game of “Rescue the hostage”.)

  T: Now I have another passage with the /kr/ and /gr/ words、But Let us make it more fun , we play a game? Ok? This game is called rescue the hostage.

  T: I am a very bad guy, so I catch you、Now you should get them back., how to get them back? I will read a passage、If you hear the words with the sounds /kr/ or /gr/, you stand up and tell me、So your hostage will go back one step、Now I need four hostages、Let us try first、I am your grandfather、Understand、Let us begin.

  (The passage: I have a very good friend、Her name is Grace, she is in Class 12, Grade 6、She is a good student、She never gets a poor grade.So her parents and grandmother is happy、She likes green food、She often eats some grapes、Because they are healthy、But she likes eating ice cream、So she always goes to the grocery store、she has two pets, one is a crab、The other is a crocodile、She likes them very much.)


  Step 7 Make a story with /gr/ and /kr/ words in groups of four(4’30’’)

  1.Ask four students to read another passage with /gr/ and /kr/ passage.

  2.Discuss and make the story with /gr/ and /kr/ words in groups of four.

  3.Write down the story with /gr/ and /kr/ words in groups of four.

  4.One group is chosen to read aloud their own story and the others listen and shout out the words with the sounds /kr/ and /gr/、(Play a game of “rescue the hostage”.)


  Step 8: Homework(0’30’’)

  1、By using the words you have learnt with pronunciation /gr/ /kr/, write a story, 8 words should be included、(根据所学的单词,写一个故事,故事中必须包括8个所学的带有/gr/ 和/kr/的单词。最好是能结合二单元所学的指路的知识。)

  2.复习Unit 2的所有内容,听写14个单词及target的句子,做好下一节课的单元测试准备。




  、、2,听Chant 写出缺的单词;

  3,找出更多发/kr/ 和/ gr/ 的单词。



  《英语课程标准》中对语音教学的要求写道:要求学生掌握元音字母在单词中的基本读音;常见的元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音;常见的辅音字母组合在单词中的基本读音等。本节课的教学重点是掌握辅音群/gr/、/gr/及相关单词的发音。整体感觉自己这节课条理比较清楚,过渡也比较自然。难度层层递进,如从音节--单词--句子-- 篇; 也包含了听力,口语,阅读, 写作各项训练。从教学活动来说,这节课有游戏,表演。学生们学的也非常的开心。总体来看,这节课基本完成了课前所定的各项目标。

  当然这堂课存在一定的瑕疵。如:应该让学生预习在先,然后再引入。最后玩游戏的环节,特别是学生检验自己故事的环节,学生都注重在/kr/ 和 /gr/ 的读音,而忽略了学生本身所写的故事。



  点评人:刘徽 ,英语科组长。

  评析:陈老师的这堂课属于语音教学课,主要教授cr, gr的发音及其相关单词。陈昉老师通过其辅音群与元音音标的组合发音,穿插游戏、歌曲、阅读、写作等活动,充分调动了学生的学习积极性。整节课的设计体现了“以人为本”的教学思想,倡导学生自主、合作、愉快的探究式的学习。


  陈老师在检查完家庭作业后直接引出across这个单词,从而引导学生运用自然拼读法, “a says/a/, c says /k/, r says /r/, o says /o/, s says /s/”, so “cr” says /kr/, “gr” says / gr/、而一个听音辨音的活动又让学生明白了清浊音的区别。

  学生在学习chant时遇到新单词crown,陈老师不忙着教授读音,而是拿出一个练习本问学生“What color is it?” “It’s brown.”然后让学生对比brown和crown来自己说出crown的发音,从而提高了学生的语音意识,达到见词能读的效果。




  陈老师设计的第二个小组自学的环节是根据音标拼写出单词。如/kri:m/,学生根据 “cr” says/kr/,“m”says /m/, 然后猜/i:/的组合字母,很容易就得出cream这个单词。学生在尝试着看音标拼写单词时就无意识地提高了语音识记能力,从而达到了 “见词能拼”的效果。


  在学生学完发音及拼写后,陈老师设置了多个生活化的情境来帮助学生了解各个单词的意义。如讲到crab时,老师问到:“How many legs does the crab have? How does the crab walk?”有学生马上上来表演螃蟹横着走、钳子不断挥舞的情景,表演得既形象又可爱。

  陈老师设计了一个小组讨论说说其他含有/kr/及/gr/的单词的环节,并要求学生能够根据这个单词造句,这样既可以检验学生是否理解该词,同时也提高了其他同学的听力及语言运用能力。如有个同学讲到crazy, I’m a crazy person.时还故意甩头做了个疯狂的动作,使得课堂英语学习氛围更加活跃。


  读英文最重要是要懂得把文字拆开,然后把它里面的音素找出来,这个技能西方叫做“文字攻击”技能(word-attack skill)。本堂课陈老师引导学生充分利用“语音攻击技能”做到“攻击发音,攻击单词,攻击句子,攻击阅读”,从而进一步提高学生的语言运用技能。陈老师特别注重加强学生的语音意识,训练方式多样有趣,“Read in words, read in sentences, read in passage”,提高了学生对阅读单词、句子、文章的预测能力。

  Read in words 陈老师一开始就让小组合作自学单词的发音及拼写,设计的说说其他含有/kr/,/gr/的单词的环节让学生充分调动已有的知识储备,读一读幻灯片上其他的单词时还故意设计几个glass, clap不属于本堂课的基本组合发音,可是怎能逃过学生的火眼金睛,“Mr、Chen, it’s wrong、There is no /kr/or /gr/ in clap.”

  Read in sentences.陈老师在教授chant时先让学生听并填空,然后一幅图一幅图地进行听说训练,“The crown is older than the glass.”

  Read in passage、在课堂上,老师几次出示不同的用几个含有/kr/及/gr/的单词编写的故事,且训练形式多样。如听故事的录音回答 “Who has a crocodile as a pet?”接着老师利用游戏“抢救人质”把阅读故事的环节有趣化,学生听到/kr/及/gr/的单词就马上站起来跟读指出,相应组别的人质就可以往座位方向走一步,学生的学习积极性很高。适时,老师指出如果想继续玩这个游戏,必须要用学生自己写的故事,从而让学生非常高兴地接受这个自己选目标单词编写故事的任务,最后如愿以偿地读自己的故事玩了一次“抢救人质”的游戏。




  2、学生在根据音标/krakdail/来猜它的拼写时,一学生拼成crocodail, 老师没做点评,而是让下一个学生拼出正确的crocodile。老师这里可以点出一下为什么是dile,哑巴e开音节, “e”goes sleeping, “i” says /ai/.






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